Issue 23, 2017

Determination of pore-scale hydrate phase equilibria in sediments using lab-on-a-chip technology


We present an experimental protocol for fast determination of hydrate stability in porous media for a range of pressure and temperature (P, T) conditions. Using a lab-on-a-chip approach, we gain direct optical access to dynamic pore-scale hydrate formation and dissociation events to study the hydrate phase equilibria in sediments. Optical pore-scale observations of phase behavior reproduce the theoretical hydrate stability line with methane gas and distilled water, and demonstrate the accuracy of the new method. The procedure is applicable for any kind of hydrate transitions in sediments, and may be used to map gas hydrate stability zones in nature.

Graphical abstract: Determination of pore-scale hydrate phase equilibria in sediments using lab-on-a-chip technology

Article information

Article type
11 Jul 2017
15 Oct 2017
First published
16 Oct 2017

Lab Chip, 2017,17, 4070-4076

Determination of pore-scale hydrate phase equilibria in sediments using lab-on-a-chip technology

S. Almenningen, J. Flatlandsmo, A. R. Kovscek, G. Ersland and M. A. Fernø, Lab Chip, 2017, 17, 4070 DOI: 10.1039/C7LC00719A

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