Issue 27, 2017

Crumpled sheets of reduced graphene oxide as a highly sensitive, robust and versatile strain/pressure sensor


Sensing of mechanical stimuli forms an important communication pathway between humans/environment and machines. The progress in such sensing technology has possible impacts on the functioning of automated systems, human machine interfacing, health-care monitoring, prosthetics and safety systems. The challenges in this field range from attaining high sensitivity to extreme robustness. In this article, sensing of complex mechanical stimuli with a patch of taped crumpled reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has been reported which can typically be assembled under household conditions. The ability of this sensor to detect a wide variety of pressures and strains in conventional day-to-day applications has been demonstrated. An extremely high gauge factor (∼103) at ultralow strains (∼10−4) with fast response times (<20.4 ms) could be achieved with such sensors. Pressure resulting from a gentle touch to over human body weight could be sensed successfully. The capability of the sensor to respond in a variety of environments could be exploited in the detection of water and air pressures both below and above atmospheric, with a single device.

Graphical abstract: Crumpled sheets of reduced graphene oxide as a highly sensitive, robust and versatile strain/pressure sensor

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 Apr 2017
08 Jun 2017
First published
09 Jun 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 9581-9588

Crumpled sheets of reduced graphene oxide as a highly sensitive, robust and versatile strain/pressure sensor

S. Kundu, R. Sriramdas, K. Rafsanjani Amin, A. Bid, R. Pratap and N. Ravishankar, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 9581 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR02415K

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