Issue 35, 2017

One-flask synthesis of pyrazolone thioethers involving catalyzed and uncatalyzed thioetherification pathways of pyrazolones


A one-flask thioetherification of pyrazolones has been demonstrated by transforming several pyrazolones to their corresponding 4-mercaptopyrazolone derivatives and employing them towards cross-coupling with various aromatic and heteroaromatic iodides by applying Pd(OAc)2/xantphos as the catalytic system. The coupling ability of these thiol intermediates with 2,3-dichloropyrazine through an aromatic SN2 pathway has also been established. This methodology provides the use of inexpensive starting materials along with a short reaction time.

Graphical abstract: One-flask synthesis of pyrazolone thioethers involving catalyzed and uncatalyzed thioetherification pathways of pyrazolones

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Article information

Article type
17 Jul 2017
08 Aug 2017
First published
08 Aug 2017

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2017,15, 7267-7271

One-flask synthesis of pyrazolone thioethers involving catalyzed and uncatalyzed thioetherification pathways of pyrazolones

P. Mukherjee and A. R. Das, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2017, 15, 7267 DOI: 10.1039/C7OB01754E

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