Issue 33, 2017

3D-Printed OFETs of the 1,4-bis(3-phenylquinoxalin-2-yl)benzene-based polymer semiconductors


In this study, we polymerized a 1,4-bis(3-phenylquinoxalin-2-yl)benzene unit with DPP and isoindigo units to produce four new polymers and deeply investigated the influence of DPP and isoindigo units on the semiconductor characteristics, band gap, and orientation properties of these polymers. The semiconductor characteristics were measured through flexible organic field effect transistors OFET fabricated by a homemade desktop 3D printer. The polymer with thiophene-based DDP (P2) exhibits the narrowest band gap, both edge-on & face-on orientation, and the highest mobility up to 0.50 cm2 V−1 s−1. The results also prove our accomplishment of lowering the threshold of fabricating 3D printed OFET devices.

Graphical abstract: 3D-Printed OFETs of the 1,4-bis(3-phenylquinoxalin-2-yl)benzene-based polymer semiconductors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 May 2017
20 Jul 2017
First published
20 Jul 2017

Polym. Chem., 2017,8, 4878-4886

3D-Printed OFETs of the 1,4-bis(3-phenylquinoxalin-2-yl)benzene-based polymer semiconductors

Y. Huang, H. Chen, J. Yang, W. Tian and W. Wang, Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 4878 DOI: 10.1039/C7PY00810D

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