Issue 35, 2017

Polyetheramine (PEA): a versatile platform to tailor the properties of hydrogels via H-bonding interactions


Hydrogels have promising applications in biomaterials and other fields. Here, to extend our previous work, we designed a novel class of PEA-P-A-polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogels that contain two cooperative H-bonding interactions: PEO/amide groups and diol/carbonyl groups via a versatile platform (PEA). The strong H-bonding between PEA-P-A and PAAm endows the PEA-P-A-PAAm hydrogel with excellent performance (tensile strength is up to 1.15 MPa and elongation at break is up to 1277%). The reversible association and disassociation of the H-bonding impart the PEA-P-A-PAAm hydrogels with pH response and reshaping ability. PEA-P-A-20%-PAAm hydrogels can change the diameter from 4 cm to 2 cm, accompanied by their color change from transparent to white in a pH < 1 solution within 20 minutes. The sample of the PEA-P-A-PAAm hydrogel also can be reshaped into a programmed shape by using the dynamic H-bonding. PEA-P-A-PAAm hydrogels with excellent mechanical properties, fast pH response and reshaping ability could accelerate the practical applications of the hydrogels in many fields.

Graphical abstract: Polyetheramine (PEA): a versatile platform to tailor the properties of hydrogels via H-bonding interactions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2017
24 Jul 2017
First published
25 Jul 2017

Polym. Chem., 2017,8, 5367-5373

Polyetheramine (PEA): a versatile platform to tailor the properties of hydrogels via H-bonding interactions

C. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Zhang, Z. Shi, H. Xu, X. Ma, J. Yin and M. Tian, Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 5367 DOI: 10.1039/C7PY01105A

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