Issue 32, 2017, Issue in Progress

Characterization of an inorganic polymer coagulant and coagulation behavior for humic acid/algae-polluted water treatment: polymeric zinc–ferric–silicate–sulfate coagulant


Algae and algae organic matter (AOM) are not the sole pollutants in algae-polluted water. Other pollutants such as colloidal particles and natural organic matter should be simultaneously removed and might influence the treatment of algae and AOM. A new polymeric zinc–ferric–silicate–sulfate (PZFSiS) coagulant was prepared, and the relationship between its structure and performance in the treatment of humic acid (HA)/algae-polluted water was discussed. PZFSiS coagulants prepared under different conditions had different distributions of Fe(III) species. The coagulant possessing the highest Feb content was able to treat turbidity and HA well. As a copolymer of Fe(III), Zn(II) and Si(IV), PZFSiS had a positive charge in water and thus neutralized the negative surface charges of pollutants. The adsorption of hydroxyl polymer formed by Fe/Zn during the hydrolysis process contributed to the removal of organic matter. The dosage of PZFSiS and pH significantly influenced pollutant removal. Colloidal particles in the water competed with the organic matter, markedly decreasing the removal efficiency of organic matter by coagulation.

Graphical abstract: Characterization of an inorganic polymer coagulant and coagulation behavior for humic acid/algae-polluted water treatment: polymeric zinc–ferric–silicate–sulfate coagulant

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Article information

Article type
06 Jan 2017
24 Mar 2017
First published
04 Apr 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 19856-19862

Characterization of an inorganic polymer coagulant and coagulation behavior for humic acid/algae-polluted water treatment: polymeric zinc–ferric–silicate–sulfate coagulant

Y. Liao, X. Tang, Q. Yang, W. Chen, B. Liu, C. Zhao, J. Zhai and H. Zheng, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 19856 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA00232G

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