Issue 32, 2017, Issue in Progress

Preparation of cellulose nanofibers coated with poly(vinyl alcohol) crystals and their application in composite films


Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was crystallized from a dilute solution in the presence of cellulose nanofibers (CeNFs). The CeNFs acted as nucleating agents for PVA crystallization, and PVA crystals were grown on the CeNFs' surface. As a result, CeNFs coated with PVA crystals (CeNF/PVA nanocomposite fiber (NCF(CeNF/PVA))) were successfully obtained. The NCF(CeNF/PVA) showed good dispersibility in water even after drying. Composite films were prepared using the aforementioned NCF(CeNF/PVA) and their mechanical properties were measured. Despite the low content of NCF(CeNF/PVA=1/5) (0.1 wt%, corresponding to 1.7 × 10−2 wt% CeNF), the mechanical properties of the composite films improved in comparison to those of the control samples. This reinforcement effect of the NCF(CeNF/PVA=1/5) was greater than that of pure CeNFs. Surface modification of the NCF was also discussed, and the surface hydrophilicity of the NCF could be controlled depending on the choice of coating crystal.

Graphical abstract: Preparation of cellulose nanofibers coated with poly(vinyl alcohol) crystals and their application in composite films

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Article information

Article type
24 Jan 2017
30 Mar 2017
First published
04 Apr 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 19828-19832

Preparation of cellulose nanofibers coated with poly(vinyl alcohol) crystals and their application in composite films

T. Uchida, F. Iwaguro, R. Yanai and H. Dodo, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 19828 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA01062A

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