Issue 51, 2017

Designing waterproof breathable material with moisture unidirectional transport characteristics based on a TPU/TBAC tree-like and TPU nanofiber double-layer membrane fabricated by electrospinning


In this study, a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) tree-like nanofiber membrane was fabricated via one-step electrospinning by adding a small amount of tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC). On the basis of the “push and pull” effect, double-layer membranes composed of pure TPU nanofiber membranes (hydrophobic) and TPU/TBAC tree-like nanofiber membranes (hydrophilic) were prepared by the direct electrospinning compounding method. The double-layer membranes were used as waterproof breathable materials with moisture unidirectional transport properties and good shielding properties. The water resistance, mechanical, waterproof, moisture permeability, air permeability, air filtration and moisture unidirectional transport performances of the double-layer membranes were tested. The results showed that the double-layer TPU membranes displayed good performances compared with the existing products on the market; they provide a new approach for the development of waterproof breathable materials.

Graphical abstract: Designing waterproof breathable material with moisture unidirectional transport characteristics based on a TPU/TBAC tree-like and TPU nanofiber double-layer membrane fabricated by electrospinning

Article information

Article type
30 Apr 2017
11 Jun 2017
First published
23 Jun 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 32155-32163

Designing waterproof breathable material with moisture unidirectional transport characteristics based on a TPU/TBAC tree-like and TPU nanofiber double-layer membrane fabricated by electrospinning

J. Ju, Z. Shi, N. Deng, Y. Liang, W. Kang and B. Cheng, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 32155 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA04843B

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