Issue 71, 2017, Issue in Progress

A statistical physics study of the interaction of [7]-helicene with alkali cations (K+ and Cs+): new insights on microscopic adsorption behavior


The adsorption of a metal ion to a polycyclic aromatic molecule such as helicene is the object of our study. The latter could function as a chiral molecular clamp for the cationic alkali metal. The main contribution of this work is to attribute new microscopic interpretations for the adsorption of potassium and cesium ions onto a thin layer of helicene achieved by the QCM technique. Throughout the grand canonical ensemble and some theoretical considerations, statistical physics processing has been used for modeling of experimental adsorption isotherms. A new model has been developed and chosen as an appropriate one to present a good correlation with experimental isotherms. Six physico-chemical parameters are obtained from the fitting of the experimental adsorption isotherms. Thanks to the steric parameters, we have found that an increase in temperature promotes a rise in the numbers of ions per site n1 and n2 and raises the adsorption capacities NM1 and NM2. The two energetic parameters c1 and c2 allow deduction of the adsorption energies at four temperatures. It is found from the calculated energies that physical adsorption takes place; the helicene can function as potassium and cesium captor and the K+–helicene complex is more stable than the Cs+–helicene complex.

Graphical abstract: A statistical physics study of the interaction of [7]-helicene with alkali cations (K+ and Cs+): new insights on microscopic adsorption behavior

Article information

Article type
29 Jul 2017
14 Sep 2017
First published
19 Sep 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 44712-44723

A statistical physics study of the interaction of [7]-helicene with alkali cations (K+ and Cs+): new insights on microscopic adsorption behavior

M. Ben Yahia, M. Tounsi, F. Aouaini, S. Knani, M. Ben Yahia and A. Ben Lamine, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 44712 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA08387D

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