Ultra-high resolution in low field tabletop NMR spectrometers†
At the present time, when NMR spectrometers are getting prohibitively expensive, for routine applications in chemistry where NMR is an indispensable technique, working with tabletop low field spectrometers would be an attractive proposition. However, as is well known, chemical shift dispersion is a serious limitation on these systems. The modern strategies of pure shift spectroscopy would not be useful because of lack of gradients, on the one hand, and even when they are there, there will be an extreme loss of sensitivity by slice selective gradients in the pulse sequences, on the other. The present manuscript presents an approach for resolution enhancement by employing processing-based advancements in the pure shift NMR schemes and presents data acquired on a 60 MHz NMR spectrometer. We use generalized indirect covariance (GIC) processing based reconstruction for enhancing the resolution in 2D-NMR spectra and that has been demonstrated on different small organic molecule samples.