Issue 87, 2017, Issue in Progress

Rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella enteritidis by a pre-concentrated immunochromatographic assay in a large-volume sample system


A pre-concentrated immunochromatographic assay for Salmonella enteritidis (S. enteritidis) detection was developed based on the unique optical and magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). The target was easily concentrated from a large volume of sample by using immune MNPs (IMNPs) with superparamagnetism. The results could be directly distinguished using colored IMNPs on test strip. A target elution step was not required in the proposed method. The key parameters, including coupling pH, blocking agents, and amount of IMNPs on the test strip, were optimized. Colloidal gold-based immunochromatographic assay (CG-ICA), MNP-based immunochromatographic assay (MNP-ICA), and MNP-ICA for a large-volume sample (large-volume MNP-ICA) were compared. Under optimal conditions, the sensitivity of large-volume MNP-ICA was 1.95 × 105 CFU mL−1, which was 10 times higher than that of MNP-ICA and 1000 times higher than that of CG-ICA, owing to the pre-concentration from a large sample volume. Moreover, the antibody consumption of large-volume MNP-ICA was lower than that of conventional CG-ICA. The entire detection time of the proposed method was only 30 min. In general, the proposed method may be considered as a rapid, sensitive, and simple screening tool for on-site detection of S. enteritidis as well as other pathogens.

Graphical abstract: Rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella enteritidis by a pre-concentrated immunochromatographic assay in a large-volume sample system

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Article type
06 Oct 2017
16 Nov 2017
First published
04 Dec 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 55141-55147

Rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella enteritidis by a pre-concentrated immunochromatographic assay in a large-volume sample system

M. Duan, Y. Huang, S. Wu, G. Li, S. Wang, M. Chen, C. Wang, D. Liu, C. Liu and W. Lai, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 55141 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA11006E

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