Issue 20, 2018

Diatoms response to salinity changes: investigations using single pulse and cross polarisation magic angle spinning 29Si NMR spectra


Diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana and Chaetoceros muelleri (Bacillariophyceae) were cultured at three different salinities (26, 36 and 46 practical salinity units (PSU)) and their silica content examined using natural abundance 29Si magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The samples were investigated using both single pulse (SP) and cross-polarisation (CP) MAS experiments. In addition, samples of T. pseudonana were examined using variable contact time CP MAS experiments allowing the dynamics (TSiH and T1rρH) of CP to be determined. Comparison of SP and CP results revealed a change to a less condensed silica state when diatoms were cultured at salinities away from optimal (36 PSU). Further, an increased amount of organic material (but not its composition) was determined to be present for such samples affecting CP experiments. The location of the organic material, on the diatom surface or within the frustule, was unable to be determined.

Graphical abstract: Diatoms response to salinity changes: investigations using single pulse and cross polarisation magic angle spinning 29Si NMR spectra

Article information

Article type
23 May 2018
01 Sep 2018
First published
05 Sep 2018

Analyst, 2018,143, 4930-4935

Diatoms response to salinity changes: investigations using single pulse and cross polarisation magic angle spinning 29Si NMR spectra

M. R. Johnston, J. R. Gascooke, A. V. Ellis and S. C. Leterme, Analyst, 2018, 143, 4930 DOI: 10.1039/C8AN00948A

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