Issue 81, 2018

Activation-free fabrication of high-surface-area porous carbon nanosheets from conjugated copolymers


High-surface-area porous carbon nanosheets have been successfully prepared by direct carbonization of graphene oxide sandwiched poly(aniline-co-pyrrole). Benefiting from the distinct structure features of the poly(aniline-co-pyrrole) and its homogeneous deposition on the graphene oxide surface, the surface area of the porous carbon nanosheets is as high as 1606 m2 g−1.

Graphical abstract: Activation-free fabrication of high-surface-area porous carbon nanosheets from conjugated copolymers

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Article information

Article type
14 Jul 2018
13 Sep 2018
First published
17 Sep 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 11431-11434

Activation-free fabrication of high-surface-area porous carbon nanosheets from conjugated copolymers

Y. Tang, S. Liu, B. Zheng, R. Liu, R. Fu, D. Wu, M. Zhang and M. Rong, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 11431 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC05703F

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