Issue 84, 2018

A two-photon fluorescent probe for ratiometric visualization of hypochlorous acid in live cells and animals based on a selenide oxidation/elimination tandem reaction


Utilizing the oxidation/elimination tandem reaction of the α-phenylseleno carbonyl moiety, a two-photon fluorescent probe for ratiometric visualization of hypochlorous acid was developed. Its superior sensing performance and practical applications were well demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: A two-photon fluorescent probe for ratiometric visualization of hypochlorous acid in live cells and animals based on a selenide oxidation/elimination tandem reaction

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Article information

Article type
08 Sep 2018
28 Sep 2018
First published
04 Oct 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 11965-11968

A two-photon fluorescent probe for ratiometric visualization of hypochlorous acid in live cells and animals based on a selenide oxidation/elimination tandem reaction

X. Xie, T. Wu, X. Wang, Y. Li, K. Wang, Z. Zhao, X. Jiao and B. Tang, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 11965 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC07312K

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