Issue 12, 2018

Nucleation-limited composition of ternary III–V nanowires forming from quaternary gold based liquid alloys


We derive an analytic expression for the composition of a ternary solid material nucleating from a quaternary liquid melt. The calculations are based on the two-component nucleation theory with realistic descriptions of the liquid and solid phases. We apply this theory to gold-catalyzed, nucleation limited vapor–liquid–solid growth of ternary III–V nanowires. We consider ternary gallium, indium, and aluminum arsenides and antimonides and discuss growth conditions for optimum composition control in these materials. Furthermore, we compare our calculations with the results of an equilibrium thermodynamic model.

Graphical abstract: Nucleation-limited composition of ternary III–V nanowires forming from quaternary gold based liquid alloys

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Article type
21 Dec 2017
16 Feb 2018
First published
19 Feb 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

CrystEngComm, 2018,20, 1649-1655

Nucleation-limited composition of ternary III–V nanowires forming from quaternary gold based liquid alloys

E. D. Leshchenko, M. Ghasemi, V. G. Dubrovskii and J. Johansson, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 1649 DOI: 10.1039/C7CE02201H

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