Issue 43, 2018

Discovery of conical intersection mediated photochemistry with growing string methods


Conical intersections (CIs) are important features of photochemistry that determine yields and selectivity. Traditional CI optimizers require significant human effort and chemical intuition, which typically restricts searching to only a small region of the CI space. Herein, a systematic approach utilizing the growing string method is introduced to locate multiple CIs. Unintuitive MECI are found using driving coordinates that can be generated using a combinatorial search, and subsequent optimization allows reaction pathways, transition states, products, and seam-space pathways to be located. These capabilities are demonstrated by application to two prototypical photoisomerization reactions and the dimerization of butadiene. In total, many reaction pathways were uncovered, including the elusive stilbene hula-twist mechanism, and a previously unidentified product in butadiene dimerization. Overall, these results suggest that growing string methods provide a predictive strategy for exploring photochemistry.

Graphical abstract: Discovery of conical intersection mediated photochemistry with growing string methods

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Jul 2018
17 Oct 2018
First published
17 Oct 2018

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 27394-27405

Author version available

Discovery of conical intersection mediated photochemistry with growing string methods

C. Aldaz, J. A. Kammeraad and P. M. Zimmerman, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 27394 DOI: 10.1039/C8CP04703K

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