Insight into the chromophore of rhodopsin and its Meta-II photointermediate by 19F solid-state NMR and chemical shift tensor calculations†
19F nuclei are useful labels in solid-state NMR studies, since their chemical shift and tensor elements are very sensitive to the electrostatic and space-filling properties of their local environment. In this study we have exploited a fluorine substituent, strategically placed at the C-12-position of 11-cis retinal, the chromophore of visual rhodopsins. This label was used to explore the local environment of the chromophore in the ground state of bovine rhodopsin and its active photo-intermediate Meta II. In addition, the chemical shift and tensor elements of the chromophore in the free state in a membrane environment and the bound state in the protein were determined. Upon binding of the chromophore into rhodopsin and Meta II, the isotropic chemical shift changes in the opposite direction by +9.7 and −8.4 ppm, respectively. An unusually large isotropic shift difference of 35.9 ppm was observed between rhodopsin and Meta II. This partly originates in the light-triggered 11-cis to all-trans isomerization of the chromophore. The other part reflects the local conformational rearrangements in the chromophore and the binding pocket. These NMR data were correlated with the available X-ray structures of rhodopsin and Meta II using bond polarization theory. For this purpose hydrogen atoms have to be inserted and hereto a family of structures were derived that best correlated with the well-established 13C chemical shifts. Based upon these structures, a 12-F derivative was obtained that best corresponded with the experimentally determined 19F chemical shifts and tensor elements. The combined data indicate strong changes in the local environment of the C-12 position and a substantially different interaction pattern with the protein in Meta II as compared to rhodopsin.
- This article is part of the themed collection: 2018 PCCP HOT Articles