Issue 2, 2018

Molecular spin qudits for quantum algorithms


Presently, one of the most ambitious technological goals is the development of devices working under the laws of quantum mechanics. One prominent target is the quantum computer, which would allow the processing of information at quantum level for purposes not achievable with even the most powerful computer resources. The large-scale implementation of quantum information would be a game changer for current technology, because it would allow unprecedented parallelised computation and secure encryption based on the principles of quantum superposition and entanglement. Currently, there are several physical platforms racing to achieve the level of performance required for the quantum hardware to step into the realm of practical quantum information applications. Several materials have been proposed to fulfil this task, ranging from quantum dots, Bose–Einstein condensates, spin impurities, superconducting circuits, molecules, amongst others. Magnetic molecules are among the list of promising building blocks, due to (i) their intrinsic monodispersity, (ii) discrete energy levels (iii) the possibility of chemical quantum state engineering, and (iv) their multilevel characteristics that lead to Qudits, where the dimension of the Hilbert space is d > 2. Herein we review how a molecular nuclear spin qudit, (d = 4), known as TbPc2, gathers all the necessary requirements to perform as a molecular hardware platform with a first generation of molecular devices enabling even quantum algorithm operations.

Graphical abstract: Molecular spin qudits for quantum algorithms

Article information

Article type
Review Article
01 Jul 2017
First published
17 Nov 2017

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018,47, 501-513

Molecular spin qudits for quantum algorithms

E. Moreno-Pineda, C. Godfrin, F. Balestro, W. Wernsdorfer and M. Ruben, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, 47, 501 DOI: 10.1039/C5CS00933B

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