Issue 16, 2018

Co3O4 nanowire@NiO nanosheet arrays for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors


Herein, we report a simple and facile sequential hydrothermal process for the synthesis of Co3O4 nanowire@NiO nanosheet arrays (CNAs). The as-synthesized CNAs were characterized in detail using various analytical techniques, which confirmed the high crystallinity, purity, and high-density growth of these nanomaterials. From an application point of view, the as-synthesized CNAs were directly used as supercapacitor electrodes, revealing a specific capacitance of up to 2018 mF cm−2 at a current density of 2 mA cm−2. Furthermore, a flexible asymmetric supercapacitor was fabricated using the as-synthesized CNAs as the anode and activated carbon as the cathode, which revealed a specific capacitance of 134.6 mF cm−2 at a current density of 2 mA cm−2. In addition, the supercapacitor showed excellent capacity retention of 73.5% after 10 000 cycles at a current density of 10 mA cm−2.

Graphical abstract: Co3O4 nanowire@NiO nanosheet arrays for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors

Article information

Article type
26 Feb 2018
25 Mar 2018
First published
26 Mar 2018

Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 5687-5694

Co3O4 nanowire@NiO nanosheet arrays for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors

L. Xing, Y. Dong, F. Hu, X. Wu and A. Umar, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 5687 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT00750K

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