Issue 23, 2018

An octahedral tetrachlorido Fe(ii) complex with aminopyrazinium ligands from a serendipitous redox synthesis exhibiting magnetic exchange through non-covalent 3-D architectures


An air stable, neutral Fe(II) complex with four equatorial chlorido ligands has been stabilised through a serendipitous redox process and in situ ligand protonation. A three-dimensional non-covalent network composed of halogen bonding and π–π stacking promotes magnetic exchange interactions though the lattice. The electronic structure has been investigated using DFT.

Graphical abstract: An octahedral tetrachlorido Fe(ii) complex with aminopyrazinium ligands from a serendipitous redox synthesis exhibiting magnetic exchange through non-covalent 3-D architectures

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Article information

Article type
10 Apr 2018
10 May 2018
First published
11 May 2018

Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 7644-7648

An octahedral tetrachlorido Fe(II) complex with aminopyrazinium ligands from a serendipitous redox synthesis exhibiting magnetic exchange through non-covalent 3-D architectures

E. K. Rusbridge, Y. Peng, A. K. Powell, D. Robinson and A. J. Fitzpatrick, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 7644 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT01401A

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