Issue 39, 2018

Crystal structure, luminescence properties, energy transfer, tunable occupation and thermal properties of a novel color-tunable phosphor NaBa1−zSrzB9O15:xCe3+,yMn2+


A series of color-tunable NaBa1−zSrzB9O15:Ce3+,Mn2+ phosphors were synthesized by a high temperature solid state method. Luminescence property, energy transfer, thermal stability and cation substitution were investigated in detail. Due to energy transfer, NaBaB9O15:Ce3+,Mn2+ presents violet to green luminescence and manifest a broad excitation range from 200 to 350 nm. The energy transfer mechanism of Ce3+–Mn2+ is identified as a dipole–dipole interaction. NaBa1−zSrzB9O15:Ce3+,Mn2+ displays both Ce3+ violet and Mn2+ green and orange emissions under ultraviolet excitation. It is observed that Sr2+ partial substitution for Ba2+ could adjust the ratio of Mn2+ emission intensity in different cation sites, which results from preferred sites’ occupation with modification of the crystal structure. Furthermore, increase in temperature can enhance the energy transfer from Ce3+ to Mn2+, which enhances the Mn2+ emission intensity sharply. The highly thermal-sensitive property of NaBa1−zSrzB9O15:Ce3+,Mn2+ makes it feasible for its potential application in luminescent ratiometric thermometers with wide temperature range.

Graphical abstract: Crystal structure, luminescence properties, energy transfer, tunable occupation and thermal properties of a novel color-tunable phosphor NaBa1−zSrzB9O15:xCe3+,yMn2+

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Article information

Article type
07 Jul 2018
02 Sep 2018
First published
05 Sep 2018

Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 13913-13925

Crystal structure, luminescence properties, energy transfer, tunable occupation and thermal properties of a novel color-tunable phosphor NaBa1−zSrzB9O15:xCe3+,yMn2+

Q. Bao, Z. Wang, J. Sun, Z. Wang, X. Meng, K. Qiu, Y. Chen, Z. Yang and P. Li, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 13913 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT02780C

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