Issue 46, 2018

Two Ce3+ centers induced broadband emission in Y3Si6N11:Ce3+ yellow phosphor


The Y3Si6N11:Ce3+ yellow phosphor shows a well-known ∼150 nm broad emission band, exhibiting a potential application in UV or blue based white LEDs. We report the observation of two Ce3+ emitting centers, the superposition of which forms the broad emission band. One center has a green emission band peaked at 539 nm (Ce1) with the first excitation band at 420 nm. The other has a red emission band peaked at 600 nm (Ce2) with the first excitation band at 485 nm. The two Ce3+ centers are assigned to the substitution for two Y sites in Y3Si6N11. It was found that the Ce2 emission intensity is continuously enhanced relative to that of Ce1 with an increasing Ce3+ concentration, thus leading to a redshift of the broadband. Meanwhile, a more notable fluorescence lifetime shortening of Ce1 compared to Ce2 with an increasing Ce3+ concentration was observed. These results suggest the occurrence of energy transfer from Ce1 to Ce2. The temperature-dependent luminescence intensity of Y3Si6N11:Ce3+ was also studied in the range of 93 to 473 K.

Graphical abstract: Two Ce3+ centers induced broadband emission in Y3Si6N11:Ce3+ yellow phosphor

Article information

Article type
30 Sep 2018
29 Oct 2018
First published
31 Oct 2018

Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 16723-16728

Two Ce3+ centers induced broadband emission in Y3Si6N11:Ce3+ yellow phosphor

D. Sun, L. Zhang, Z. Hao, X. Zhang, G. Pan, H. Wu, Y. Luo, S. He, H. Zhao and J. Zhang, Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 16723 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT03936D

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