Issue 5, 2018

A multifunctional polymer electrolyte enables ultra-long cycle-life in a high-voltage lithium metal battery


In this article, we demonstrated for the first time an ultra-strong bacterial cellulose supported poly(methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic anhydride) as a multifunctional polymer electrolyte for a 4.45 V-class LiCoO2 lithium metal battery. Such a polymer electrolyte based LiCoO2 lithium metal battery delivered significant capacity retention (85% retention after 700 cycles) at 60 °C. A more thorough investigation elucidated that it played multiple roles in enhancing the electro-oxidative resistance and reversible lithium plating/stripping of a LiCoO2 lithium metal cell. These extraordinary features open up a new avenue for the fabrication of advanced polymer electrolytes for high-voltage lithium metal cells.

Graphical abstract: A multifunctional polymer electrolyte enables ultra-long cycle-life in a high-voltage lithium metal battery

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Article information

Article type
28 Nov 2017
23 Feb 2018
First published
08 Mar 2018

Energy Environ. Sci., 2018,11, 1197-1203

A multifunctional polymer electrolyte enables ultra-long cycle-life in a high-voltage lithium metal battery

T. Dong, J. Zhang, G. Xu, J. Chai, H. Du, L. Wang, H. Wen, X. Zang, A. Du, Q. Jia, X. Zhou and G. Cui, Energy Environ. Sci., 2018, 11, 1197 DOI: 10.1039/C7EE03365F

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