Issue 10, 2018

Surface hydroxylation induced by alkaline-earth metal doping in NiO nanocrystals and its application in achieving a wide temperature operation window for preferential CO oxidation


A series of Pt/Ni1−xMgxO catalysts with a low Pt loading of 0.5 wt% are prepared by multistep co-precipitation and annealing processes followed by wet impregnation. Mg2+ ions are doped in the NiO lattice, forming a nanoscale solid solution as evidenced by systematic variations of lattice parameters in terms of Vegard's law. The stack of nanoparticles led to a mesoporous feature as represented by a broad pore size distribution from 2 to 80 nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and H2-temperature-programmed reduction analysis demonstrate that the presence of Mg2+ ions in mesoporous nanoscale solid solutions created more surface hydroxyls. Strikingly, these surface hydroxyls stabilized the ionic platinum (Pt2+) under preferential carbon monoxide oxidation (CO-PROX) conditions at temperature as high as 100–240 °C. Pt/Ni0.5Mg0.5O exhibits a wide temperature window and an excellent stability for CO conversion. The analysis of in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier-transform spectra further reveals that CO adsorbed preferentially on Pt2+, and the formation of CO2 proceeds through bicarbonate intermediate species with the help of hydroxyl groups during the CO-PROX reaction of Pt/Ni0.5Mg0.5O. The enhanced adhesion of Pt particles, which is due to the formation of strong Pt–O interfacial bonds, is responsible for the observed higher stability of CO-PROX toward thermal sintering on hydroxylated Ni0.5Mg0.5O surfaces. The results reported here could inspire one to find more new hydroxyl-enriched supports that improve the noble metal utilization efficiency for enhancing the catalyst performance in CO-PROX and other relevant catalytic fields.

Graphical abstract: Surface hydroxylation induced by alkaline-earth metal doping in NiO nanocrystals and its application in achieving a wide temperature operation window for preferential CO oxidation

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Article information

Article type
12 May 2018
27 Jul 2018
First published
31 Aug 2018

Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2018,5, 2368-2381

Surface hydroxylation induced by alkaline-earth metal doping in NiO nanocrystals and its application in achieving a wide temperature operation window for preferential CO oxidation

H. Li, L. Li, S. Fang, J. Wang, S. Chen, X. Huang, Z. Leng and G. Li, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2018, 5, 2368 DOI: 10.1039/C8EN00507A

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