Issue 2, 2018

Online isotope analysis of 37Cl/35Cl universally applied for semi-volatile organic compounds using GC-MC-ICPMS


Stable chlorine isotope analysis of organic compounds is potentially applicable in various fields in forensics and environmental analytics to investigate the fate of these substances in the environment, but a wider use of this technique is still hampered by the limited applicability of available offline and online techniques. In a previous study we presented a method for compound-specific chlorine isotope analysis of volatile organics including chlorinated methanes, ethanes and ethenes using gas chromatography interfaced with multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (GC-MC-ICPMS). In the current study we modified further the setup in order to extend the range of analytes towards semi-volatile organic substances with boiling points of up to 350 °C. The modified method was evaluated by using offline characterized in-house reference materials, such as chloroethenes, chloroacetic acid and hexachlorocyclohexenes. Additionally, analysis of various chlorinated benzenes, chlorinated phenols, chlordecone, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and related derivatives was demonstrated. The analytical precision (1σ) was usually better than ±0.2 mUr for single compound and ±0.3 mUr for compound-specific analysis of mixtures. Achieved accuracy was within ±0.2 mUr compared to available offline values. The isotopic detection limit could be significantly improved by one order of magnitude (250 pmol Cl on column, corresponding to ∼10 ng Cl) and is superior to other online state of the art approaches. The demonstrated method allows for the compound-specific stable chlorine isotope analysis of virtually all GC-compatible organics with versatility, high accuracy, and sensitivity.

Graphical abstract: Online isotope analysis of 37Cl/35Cl universally applied for semi-volatile organic compounds using GC-MC-ICPMS

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Article information

Article type
Technical Note
08 Dec 2017
18 Jan 2018
First published
18 Jan 2018

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2018,33, 314-321

Online isotope analysis of 37Cl/35Cl universally applied for semi-volatile organic compounds using GC-MC-ICPMS

J. Renpenning, A. Horst, M. Schmidt and M. Gehre, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2018, 33, 314 DOI: 10.1039/C7JA00404D

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