Improving the density and properties of nitrogen-rich scaffolds by the introduction of a C–NO2 group†
In order to understand the impact of introducing a C–NO2 moiety into an energetic nitrogen-rich scaffold-containing material, the physical properties of compounds 1–3 and 10 were determined. It was found that as the C–NO2 groups were introduced in the nitrogen-rich scaffold, the values of the density, and the detonation velocity and pressure improved. The density of 3·H2O is 1.84 g cm−3 (a detonation velocity and a pressure of 8608 m s−1 and 29.6 GPa) compared with that of 1′. And 3·H2O exhibits excellent thermal stability with a high nitrogen content, giving rise to an acceptable impact and friction sensitivity. Whereas, for compound 10·H2O, which contains the C–NO2 group, the density is 1.79 g cm−3 (a detonation velocity and a pressure of 8636 m s−1 and 29.5 GPa) compared with that of 10′.