Issue 8, 2018

Rolling up graphene oxide sheets through solvent-induced self-assembly in dispersions


Herein we report a new approach to fabricating nanoscrolls through the self-assembly of graphene oxide (GO) sheets in a dispersion. The assembly process for GO nanosheets was induced by the dropwise addition of an appropriate organic solvent such as N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) into the aqueous dispersion. The results show that nanoscrolls were gradually formed from the GO sheets by rolling-up in a piece-by-piece manner with the increase of the DMF content. The transmission electron microscopic analysis indicates that for a typical case, the nanoscrolls have an average diameter of 242 ± 102 nm at the central part and the interlayer spacing between adjacent GO layers is 0.58 nm. The scrolls were estimated to have 207 turns and include on average 42 pieces of GO sheets per scroll. By this method, GO sheets with different sizes and oxidation degrees were proved to be able to form GO nanoscrolls in a similar way. Moreover, it is interesting that the diffraction efficiency of surface-relief-gratings photoinduced on the film of azo molecular glass was significantly enhanced by doping the GO nanoscrolls with a very low content (0.5 wt%); this suggests a possible new application for the GO scrolls in optical devices. This facile approach, which is also feasible by using other organic solvents such as ethanol, can be used to fabricate GO nanoscrolls for large scale applications in supercapacitors, sensors and other devices.

Graphical abstract: Rolling up graphene oxide sheets through solvent-induced self-assembly in dispersions

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Article information

Article type
12 Nov 2017
29 Jan 2018
First published
30 Jan 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 4113-4122

Rolling up graphene oxide sheets through solvent-induced self-assembly in dispersions

B. Tang, Z. Xiong, X. Yun and X. Wang, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 4113 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR08415C

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