Issue 11, 2018

Ultra-fast dynamics in the nonlinear optical response of silver nanoprism ordered arrays


In this work we present the study of the ultra-fast dynamics of the nonlinear optical response of a honeycomb array of silver triangular nanoprisms, performed using a femtosecond pulsed laser tuned with the dipolar surface plasmon resonance of the nanoarray. Nonlinear absorption and refraction, and their time-dependence, were explored using the z-scan and time-resolved excite–probe techniques. Nonlinear absorption is shown to change sign with the input irradiance and the behavior was explained on the basis of a three-level model. The response time was determined to be in the picosecond regime. A technique based on a variable frequency chopper was also used in order to discriminate the thermal and electronic contributions to the nonlinearity, which were found to have opposite signs. All these findings propel the investigated nanoprism arrays as good candidates for applications in advanced ultra-fast nonlinear nanophotonic devices.

Graphical abstract: Ultra-fast dynamics in the nonlinear optical response of silver nanoprism ordered arrays

Article information

Article type
30 Nov 2017
05 Feb 2018
First published
06 Feb 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 5182-5190

Ultra-fast dynamics in the nonlinear optical response of silver nanoprism ordered arrays

H. Sánchez-Esquivel, K. Y. Raygoza-Sanchez, R. Rangel-Rojo, B. Kalinic, N. Michieli, T. Cesca and G. Mattei, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 5182 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR08948A

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