Issue 29, 2018

Single-electron transport through stabilised silicon nanocrystals


We have fabricated organically capped stable luminescent silicon nanocrystals with narrow size distribution by a novel, high yield and easy to implement technique. We demonstrate transport measurements of individual silicon nanocrystals by scanning tunnelling microscopy at a low temperature in a double-barrier tunnel junction arrangement in which we observed pronounced single electron tunnelling effects. The tunnelling spectroscopy of these nanocrystals with different diameters reveals quantum confinement induced bandgap modifications. Furthermore, from the features in the tunnelling spectra, we differentiate several energy contributions arising from electronic interactions inside the nanocrystal. By applying a magnetic field, we have detected a variation in the differential conductance profile that we attribute to arising from higher order tunnelling processes. We have also systematically simulated our experimental data with the Orthodox theory, and the results show good agreement with the experiment. The study establishes a correlation between the nanocrystal size and quantum confinement induced band-structure modifications which will pave the way to devise tailored nanocrystals.

Graphical abstract: Single-electron transport through stabilised silicon nanocrystals

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Article information

Article type
23 Feb 2018
20 Apr 2018
First published
20 Apr 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 13949-13958

Single-electron transport through stabilised silicon nanocrystals

T. S. Basu, S. Diesch and E. Scheer, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 13949 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR01552J

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