Optical transverse spin coupling through a plasmonic nanoparticle for particle-identification and field-mapping
Electromagnetic fields at near-field exhibit distinctive properties with respect to their free-space counterparts. In particular, an optical transverse spin appearing in a confined electromagnetic field provides the foundation for many intriguing physical effects and applications. We present a transverse spin coupling configuration where plasmonic nanoparticles are employed to couple the transverse spin in a focused beam to that of a surface plasmon polariton. The plasmonic resonance of nanoparticles on a metal film plays a significant role in transverse spin coupling. We demonstrate in experiments that Ag and Au nanoparticles yield distinct imaging patterns when scanned over a focused field, because of their different plasmonic responses to the transverse and longitudinal electric fields. Such resonance-dependent spin-coupling enables the identification of nanoparticles using a focused field, as well as electric field mapping of a specific field component of a focused beam using a plasmonic nanoparticle. These interesting findings regarding the transverse spin coupling with a plasmonic nanoparticle may find valuable applications in near-field and nano-optics.