Issue 32, 2018

Metal-agglomeration-suppressed growth of MoS2 and MoSe2 films with small sulfur and selenium molecules for high mobility field effect transistor applications


This work reports a breakthrough technique for achieving high quality and uniform molybdenum dichalcogenide (MoX2 where X = S, Se) films on large-area wafers via metal-agglomeration-suppressed growth (MASG) with small chalcogen (X-) molecules at growth temperatures (TG) of 600 °C or lower. In order to grow MoS2 films suitable for field effect transistors (FETs), S-molecules should be pre-deposited on Mo films at 60 °C prior to heating the substrate up to TG. The pre-deposited S-molecules successfully suppressed the agglomeration of Mo during sulfurization and prevented the formation of protruding islands in the resultant sulfide films. The small X-molecules supplied from a thermal cracker reacted with Mo-precursor film to form MoX2. The film quality strongly depends on the temperatures of cracking and reservoir zones, as well as TG. The MoS2 film grown at 570 °C showed a thickness variation of less than 3.3% on a 6 inch-wafer. The mobility and on/off current ratio of 6.1 nm-MoS2 FET at TG = 570 °C were 59.8 cm2 V−1 s−1 and 105, respectively. The most significant advantages of the MASG method proposed in this work are its expandability to various metal dichalcogenides on larger substrates as well as a lower TG enabled by using reactive small molecules supplied from a cracker, for which temperature is independently controlled.

Graphical abstract: Metal-agglomeration-suppressed growth of MoS2 and MoSe2 films with small sulfur and selenium molecules for high mobility field effect transistor applications

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 May 2018
22 Jul 2018
First published
31 Jul 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 15213-15221

Metal-agglomeration-suppressed growth of MoS2 and MoSe2 films with small sulfur and selenium molecules for high mobility field effect transistor applications

K. H. Jung, S. J. Yun, Y. Choi, J. H. Cho, J. W. Lim, H. Chai, D. Cho, Y. Chung and G. Kim, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 15213 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR03778G

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