Issue 45, 2018

Hole gas accumulation in Si/Ge core–shell and Si/Ge/Si core–double shell nanowires


Core–shell nanowires (NWs) composed of silicon and germanium can be used to realize high electron (hole) mobility transistors (HEMTs) by suppressing impurity scattering due to their band offset structure and selective doping. Boron doped p-type Si/intrinsic-Ge (i-Ge) core–shell NW structures are selected to study this phenomenon. To produce HEMT devices, hole gas accumulation must be controlled in the impurity undoped i-Ge shell layers. Spectral change in the Ge optical phonon is detected with increased B doping in p-Si core NWs, showing hole gas accumulation in this system. We also fabricate p-Si/i-Ge/p-Si core–double shell NWs to more clearly demonstrate hole gas accumulation in the i-Ge layers.

Graphical abstract: Hole gas accumulation in Si/Ge core–shell and Si/Ge/Si core–double shell nanowires

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Article information

Article type
11 Jul 2018
25 Aug 2018
First published
28 Aug 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 21062-21068

Hole gas accumulation in Si/Ge core–shell and Si/Ge/Si core–double shell nanowires

X. Zhang, W. Jevasuwan, K. C. Pradel, T. Subramani, T. Takei and N. Fukata, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 21062 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR05590D

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