Issue 4, 2018

Design, synthesis, and conformational analysis of 3-cyclo-butylcarbamoyl hydantoins as novel hydrogen bond driven universal peptidomimetics


A collection of systematically substituted 3-cyclo-butylcarbamoyl hydantoins was synthesized by a regioselective multicomponent domino process followed by easy coupling reactions. Calculations, NMR studies and X-ray analysis show that these scaffolds are able to project their side chains similar to common secondary structures, such as the α-helix and β-turn, with favourable enthalpic and entropic profiles.

Graphical abstract: Design, synthesis, and conformational analysis of 3-cyclo-butylcarbamoyl hydantoins as novel hydrogen bond driven universal peptidomimetics

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Article information

Article type
31 Oct 2017
27 Nov 2017
First published
27 Nov 2017

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018,16, 521-525

Design, synthesis, and conformational analysis of 3-cyclo-butylcarbamoyl hydantoins as novel hydrogen bond driven universal peptidomimetics

M. C. Bellucci, M. Frigerio, C. Castellano, F. Meneghetti, A. Sacchetti and A. Volonterio, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 521 DOI: 10.1039/C7OB02680C

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