Issue 27, 2018

AIE-active boron complexes based on benzothiazole–hydrazone chelates


A new family of aggregation-induced emission (AIE)-active monoboron and bisboron complexes based on benzothiazole–hydrazone chelates was synthesized. These complexes showed very weak fluorescence in fluid solution due to active intramolecular rotation and were emissive in high-viscosity solvents or in the aggregation state. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and theoretical calculations were carried out to explain AIE behavior. The large Stokes shifts (3590–7400 cm−1) and relatively highly efficient solid-state emission make these complexes valuable AIE luminophores for further potential applications.

Graphical abstract: AIE-active boron complexes based on benzothiazole–hydrazone chelates

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Article information

Article type
30 Mar 2018
04 May 2018
First published
04 May 2018

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018,16, 4977-4984

AIE-active boron complexes based on benzothiazole–hydrazone chelates

W. Duan, Q. Liu, Y. Huo, J. Cui, S. Gong and Z. Liu, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 4977 DOI: 10.1039/C8OB00755A

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