In vitro and in vivo studies of a chlorin-based carbon nanocarrier with photodynamic therapy features†
Carbonaceous materials have long been developed to utilize “nano-spaces” and numerous guest species could be encapsulated. A remarkable fluorescence difference has been observed after newly designed pyropheophorbide-a-appended carbon nanohorns were incorporated in a cellular medium and confocal microscopy was employed for the determination of the intracellular localization. Our study supported the role of carbon nanohorns as carriers of photodynamic therapy (PDT) agents and their heating behavior was discussed. We have developed a theranostic platform based on photosensitizer-conjugated carbon nanostructures and this system has been applied in an animal model. In addition, a negligible toxicity of CNH-Pyro was found in body weight experiments and histopathological examination of the major organs.