Issue 10, 2018

Visible-light-induced methylsulfonylation/bicyclization of C(sp3)-tethered 1,7-enynes using a DMSO/H2O system


A visible light photocatalytic methylsulfonylation/bicyclization of C(sp3)-tethered 1,7-enynes has been established using a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)/H2O system as the methylsulfonyl source. This reaction worked readily to access a wide range of sulfone-containing benzo[a]fluoren-5-ones with one quaternary carbon centre and generally good yields through C–S bond cleavage of DMSO. The reaction mechanism was proposed based on the control experiments.

Graphical abstract: Visible-light-induced methylsulfonylation/bicyclization of C(sp3)-tethered 1,7-enynes using a DMSO/H2O system

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
29 Jan 2018
26 Mar 2018
First published
27 Mar 2018

Org. Chem. Front., 2018,5, 1643-1650

Visible-light-induced methylsulfonylation/bicyclization of C(sp3)-tethered 1,7-enynes using a DMSO/H2O system

M. Huang, C. Zhu, C. He, Y. Zhu, W. Hao, D. Wang, S. Tu and B. Jiang, Org. Chem. Front., 2018, 5, 1643 DOI: 10.1039/C8QO00098K

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