Issue 34, 2018, Issue in Progress

Direct reaction between silicon and methanol over Cu-based catalysts: investigation of active species and regeneration of CuCl catalyst


When a CuCl/Si mixture was pretreated at 200–240 °C in a N2 atmosphere, trimethoxysilane was predominantly formed in the direct reaction of silicon with methanol. When the pretreatment temperatures were raised to 260–340 °C, tetramethoxysilane was favorably formed. The CuxSiyClz species catalyzed the reaction between silicon and methanol to trimethoxysilane. Chlorination of the spent CuCl/Si mixture promoted the reaction between silicon and methanol to form both trimethoxysilane and tetramethoxysilane due to the recovery of the CuCl phase and the exposure of the metallic Cu0 phase. When Cu2O, CuO, and Cu0 were used as the catalysts, tetramethoxysilane was formed as the main product.

Graphical abstract: Direct reaction between silicon and methanol over Cu-based catalysts: investigation of active species and regeneration of CuCl catalyst

Article information

Article type
12 Apr 2018
21 May 2018
First published
24 May 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 19317-19325

Direct reaction between silicon and methanol over Cu-based catalysts: investigation of active species and regeneration of CuCl catalyst

A. Wang, M. Zhang, H. Yin, S. Liu, M. Liu and T. Hu, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 19317 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA03125H

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