Issue 72, 2018, Issue in Progress

The low-temperature corrosion characteristics of alcohol-based fuel combustion


In this paper, the low-temperature corrosion characteristics of the four fuel combustions that include methanol, diesel, MF75 (the volume fraction of methanol is 75 ± 2%), and MF50 (the volume fraction of methanol is 50 ± 2%) were studied. MF75 and MF50 were modulated by methanol, diesel and a small amount of cosolvent. The quality indicators of four fuels were judged by the specific standard. The acid dew point temperature of the four kinds of fuel combustion flue gas was calculated and compared, and the acid ion in the condensate of the four fuel combustion products was analyzed and tested. Based on this method, the corrosiveness of four kinds of condensate was determined. The corrosion rates of five metals (brass, 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, corten steel, and Q245 steel) were tested by two different methods (electrochemistry corrosion and static immersion corrosion). The experimental results show that the quality indicators of four fuels have all reached the relevant national standards. The dew point temperature of methanol, MF75 and MF50 are lower than that of diesel. The corrosion products on the surface of corten steel are relatively compact and easily accumulate dust, which is not conducive to the safe operation of the boiler. The corrosion resistance properties of 316 stainless steel is excellent, showing that it would be the ideal material choice for the low-temperature zone of a boiler flue.

Graphical abstract: The low-temperature corrosion characteristics of alcohol-based fuel combustion

Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2018
03 Dec 2018
First published
11 Dec 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 41237-41245

The low-temperature corrosion characteristics of alcohol-based fuel combustion

Z. Wang, X. Lu, X. Cheng and C. Ma, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 41237 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA05705B

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