Issue 58, 2018

Effects of hydrotalcite on rigid polyurethane foam composites containing a fire retarding agent: compressive stress, combustion resistance, sound absorption, and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness


Polyether polyol, isocyanate, and a flame retardant (10 wt%), hydrotalcite (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 wt%) are used to form a rigid PU foam, while a nylon nonwoven fabric (400 g m−2) and a polyester aluminum foil are combined to serve as the panel. The rigid PU foam and the panel are then combined to form the rigid foam composites. The cell structure, compressive stress, combustion resistance, thermal stability, sound absorption, and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of the rigid foam composites are evaluated, examining the effects of using hydrotalcite. When the hydrotalcite is 5 wt%, the rigid foam composites have an optimal density of 0.168 g cm−3, an average cell size of 0.2858 mm, a maximum compressive stress of 479.95 kpa, an optimal LOI of 29, an optimal EMSE of 45 dB, and the maximum thermal stability and sound absorption.

Graphical abstract: Effects of hydrotalcite on rigid polyurethane foam composites containing a fire retarding agent: compressive stress, combustion resistance, sound absorption, and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness

Article information

Article type
28 Jul 2018
29 Aug 2018
First published
01 Oct 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 33542-33550

Effects of hydrotalcite on rigid polyurethane foam composites containing a fire retarding agent: compressive stress, combustion resistance, sound absorption, and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness

H. Peng, X. X. Wang, T. Li, S. Huang, Q. Lin, B. Shiu, C. Lou and J. Lin, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 33542 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA06361C

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