Issue 69, 2018, Issue in Progress

Hansforesters A–M, polyesters from the sponge-associated fungus Hansfordia sinuosae with antibacterial activities


Bioassay-guided fractionation and chromatographic separation of a sponge-derived fungus Hansfordia sinuosae, resulted in the isolation of thirteen new polyesters namely hansforesters A–M (1–13), along with five known analogues involving ascotrichalactone A, ascotrichester B, 15G256π, 6R-hydroxymellein, and (−)orthosporin. The structures of the new compounds were determined through extensive spectroscopic analysis, in addition to the chemical conversion for the configurational assignment. The polyesters incorporating the motifs of orsellinic acid, 2,4-dihydroxy-6-acetonylbenzoic acid, and orcinotriol were found from nature for the first time. Hansforester A (1) and ascotrichalactone A exhibited potent inhibition against a panel of bacterial strains, including the agricultural pathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas lachrymans, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Xanthomonas vesicatoria, and Ralstonia solanacearum, with the MIC values of 15.6 μM, and the human infected bacterium Staphylococcus aureus with the MIC values of 3.9 μM. These findings suggested that hansforester A and ascotrichalactone A are the potential leads to be developed as the antibacterial agents for the treatment of agriculture bacterial pathogens.

Graphical abstract: Hansforesters A–M, polyesters from the sponge-associated fungus Hansfordia sinuosae with antibacterial activities

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Article type
17 Oct 2018
22 Nov 2018
First published
28 Nov 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 39756-39768

Hansforesters A–M, polyesters from the sponge-associated fungus Hansfordia sinuosae with antibacterial activities

Z. Wu, D. Liu, J. Huang, P. Proksch, K. Zhu and W. Lin, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 39756 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA08606K

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