Issue 8, 2018

Production of hydrocarbons from biomass-derived biochar assisted microwave catalytic pyrolysis


In the present study, in situ catalytic pyrolysis of Douglas fir pellets was performed in a microwave reactor. A biochar catalyst derived from corn stover biochar was prepared for the experiment. The results showed that the highest amounts of hydrocarbons (52.77% of bio-oil) were achieved from microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis over the biochar catalyst at a reaction temperature of 480 °C. A non-condensable gas enriched in H2, CO, and CO2 was observed and analyzed by micro-GC. The amounts of H2 and CO increased during catalytic pyrolysis compared to the non-catalytic runs. GC/MS analysis results showed that the quantity of lignin-derived guaiacols decreased dramatically with the increase of the ratio of catalyst to biomass. The biochar catalyst exhibited good selectivity towards hydrocarbon and phenol compounds, simplifying the chemical composition, reducing undesirable compounds and producing pyrolysis oil in an acceptable yield. The reaction mechanism for hydrocarbon production from catalytic pyrolysis was also analyzed.

Graphical abstract: Production of hydrocarbons from biomass-derived biochar assisted microwave catalytic pyrolysis

Article information

Article type
28 Feb 2018
04 Jun 2018
First published
05 Jun 2018

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1781-1790

Author version available

Production of hydrocarbons from biomass-derived biochar assisted microwave catalytic pyrolysis

L. Zhu, Y. Zhang, H. Lei, X. Zhang, L. Wang, Q. Bu and Y. Wei, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018, 2, 1781 DOI: 10.1039/C8SE00096D

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