Dynamic properties of different liquid states in systems with competing interactions studied with lysozyme solutions†
Recent studies of colloidal systems with a short-range attraction and long-range repulsion (SALR) have been demonstrated to have a generalized phase diagram with multiple liquid states defined by their structures. In this paper, we identify the different liquid states of previous experimentally studied lysozyme samples within this proposed generalized state diagram and explore the dynamic properties of each liquid state. We show that most lysozyme samples studied here and previously at low and intermediate concentrations are dispersed fluids while a few high concentration samples are randomly percolated liquids. In the dispersed fluid region, the short-time diffusion coefficient measured by neutron spin echo agrees well with the long time diffusion coefficient estimated with the solution viscosity. This dynamic feature is maintained even for some samples in the random percolated region. However, the short-time and long-time diffusion coefficients of random percolated fluids deviate at larger concentration and attraction strength. At high enough concentrations, the mean square displacement can be as slow as those of many glassy colloidal systems at time scales near the characteristic diffusion time even though these lysozyme samples remain in liquid states at the long-time limit. We thus identify the region in the generalized phase diagram where these equilibrium states with extremely slow local dynamics exist relative to bulk percolation and kinetic arrest (gel and glassy) transitions.