Issue 8, 2018

Superior electrical conduction of a water repelling 3D interconnected nano-network


A three-dimensional (3D) network of interconnected nanowires of functional materials possesses huge potential for device fabrication since it hinders sluggish interfacial charge carrier transport owing to reduced contact resistance. In the present work, the formation of a highly porous 3D interconnected nano-network by Na+ ion irradiation is demonstrated. The mechanism of solid junction formation at very low energy is established using the results obtained from TRI3DYN computer simulation studies. The formation of a 3D interconnected network resulted in a significant improvement in the electrical conduction as compared to that observed for the pristine nanotube mesh. Further, contact angle measurement shows a transition from “superhydrophilic” nature, as observed for pristine nanotubes, to “superhydrophobic” nature for the 3D nano-network. The superhydrophobicity of the 3D nano-network is expected to find application in miniaturized electronic devices, wherein water condensation and related effects such as short-circuits and erroneous signal output can be significantly minimized.

Graphical abstract: Superior electrical conduction of a water repelling 3D interconnected nano-network

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Article information

Article type
23 Nov 2017
24 Jan 2018
First published
24 Jan 2018

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018,6, 1951-1958

Superior electrical conduction of a water repelling 3D interconnected nano-network

S. Dhal, P. Das, M. K. Rajbhar, W. Möller, S. Chatterjee, N. Ramgir and S. Chatterjee, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 1951 DOI: 10.1039/C7TC05374F

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