Issue 21, 2019

LPE growth and study of the Ce3+ incorporation in LuAlO3:Ce single crystalline film scintillators


This work reports the results of the optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) investigation of the Ce3+ incorporation in single crystalline film (SCF) scintillators of Ce-doped LuAlO3 perovskite, grown by the liquid phase epitaxy method onto YAlO3 substrates using a PbO–B2O3 flux. The absorption, luminescence and EPR spectra showed the presence of the main Ce3+ center type (CeLu) corresponding to the location of Ce3+ ions in the twelve-fold coordinated cuboctahedral positions of the LuAlO3 host. Also the dimer CeLu–CeLu centers were found in the EPR spectra of the LuAP:Ce SCFs. No EPR spectrum of the Ce3+ ions located in the octahedral positions of Al3+ cations has been detected indicating their negligibly small concentration (below 5 × 10−3 at%) in the SCFs. Pb3+ and Pt3+ impurity ions incorporated into the SCFs grown from the PbO–B2O3 flux and Pt crucible were also identified by resolving, in particular, the hyperfine structure from the 195Pt isotope in the EPR spectra.

Graphical abstract: LPE growth and study of the Ce3+ incorporation in LuAlO3:Ce single crystalline film scintillators

Article information

Article type
09 Feb 2019
23 Apr 2019
First published
23 Apr 2019

CrystEngComm, 2019,21, 3313-3321

LPE growth and study of the Ce3+ incorporation in LuAlO3:Ce single crystalline film scintillators

M. Buryi, V. Laguta, M. Nikl, V. Gorbenko, T. Zorenko and Yu. Zorenko, CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 3313 DOI: 10.1039/C9CE00193J

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