Issue 40, 2019

Direction-specific fluorescence of an engineered organic crystal and the appearance of a new face caused by mechanically induced shaping


Here we have studied the directional nature of the fluorescence emission of a centimetre-scale organic crystal. Sky blue-colored fluorescence (λPL = 481 nm) of the (010) face and the green-colored fluorescence (λPL = 502 nm) of the (001) face were observed, because the (010) and (001) faces of the crystal have different directional orientations of the molecules. Interestingly, the mechanically induced shaping of the centimetre-scaled single crystal caused a new green-colored fluorescent (001) face to appear in the cross section.

Graphical abstract: Direction-specific fluorescence of an engineered organic crystal and the appearance of a new face caused by mechanically induced shaping

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Article information

Article type
27 Jun 2019
23 Aug 2019
First published
23 Aug 2019

CrystEngComm, 2019,21, 5990-5994

Direction-specific fluorescence of an engineered organic crystal and the appearance of a new face caused by mechanically induced shaping

S. Hayashi and T. Koizumi, CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 5990 DOI: 10.1039/C9CE01002E

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