Issue 14, 2019

Nanostructured materials for photocatalysis


Photocatalysis is a green technology which converts abundantly available photonic energy into useful chemical energy. With a rapid rise of flow photoreactors in the last decade, the design and development of novel semiconductor photocatalysts is happening at a blistering rate. Currently, developed synthetic approaches have allowed the design of diverse modified/unmodified semiconductor materials exhibiting enhanced performances in heterogeneous photocatalysis. In this review, we have classified the so far reported highly efficient modified/unmodified semiconductor photocatalysts into four different categories based on the elemental composition, band gap engineering and charge carrier migration mechanism in composite photocatalysts. The recent synthetic developments are reported for each novel semiconductor photocatalyst within the four different categories, namely: pure semiconductors, solid solutions, type-II heterojunction nanocomposites and Z-scheme. The motivation behind the synthetic upgrading of modified/unmodified (pure) semiconductor photocatalysts along with their particular photochemical applications and photoreactor systems have been thoroughly reviewed.

Graphical abstract: Nanostructured materials for photocatalysis

Article information

Article type
Review Article
01 Feb 2019
First published
07 Jun 2019

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019,48, 3868-3902

Nanostructured materials for photocatalysis

C. Xu, P. Ravi Anusuyadevi, C. Aymonier, R. Luque and S. Marre, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019, 48, 3868 DOI: 10.1039/C9CS00102F

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