Issue 11, 2019

Diluting europium spins – a magnetic and 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic investigation of the solid solution Eu1−xSrxPtIn2


The indide EuPtIn2 (MgCuAl2 type, Cmcm, a = 448.23(4), b = 1068.64(11), c = 784.09(8) pm, wR2 = 0.0432, 466 F2 values, 16 variables) was synthesized by induction-melting of the elements and subsequent annealing. The platinum and indium atoms built up a three-dimensional [PtIn2]2− polyanionic network (278–282 pm Pt–In) which contains channels that are filled with the europium cations. These bind to the network through shorter Eu–Pt contacts (302–323 pm). Temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility and 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic data manifest divalent europium down to 4.2 K. EuPtIn2 orders ferromagnetically at 32.5 K. EuPtIn2 and SrPtIn2 form a complete solid solution Eu1−xSrxPtIn2 with Vergard type behavior for the lattice parameters. Divalent europium is proven through magnetic data and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Curie temperature decreases monotonically from 32.5 to 3.1 K in going to Eu0.1Sr0.9PtIn2.

Graphical abstract: Diluting europium spins – a magnetic and 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic investigation of the solid solution Eu1−xSrxPtIn2

Article information

Article type
03 Jan 2019
10 Feb 2019
First published
11 Feb 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 3648-3657

Diluting europium spins – a magnetic and 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopic investigation of the solid solution Eu1−xSrxPtIn2

S. Klenner, L. Heletta and R. Pöttgen, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 3648 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT00035F

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