Issue 16, 2019

Mössbauer and mass spectrometry support for iron(ii) catalysts in enantioselective C–H activation


A combination of electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry and Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to investigate the species generated in situ in highly enantioselective Fe/NHC-catalyzed C–H alkylations. The findings indicate an organometallic iron(II)–NHC species to be of key relevance in the asymmetric catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Mössbauer and mass spectrometry support for iron(ii) catalysts in enantioselective C–H activation

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Article information

Article type
15 Feb 2019
21 Mar 2019
First published
21 Mar 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 5135-5139

Mössbauer and mass spectrometry support for iron(II) catalysts in enantioselective C–H activation

J. Loup, T. Parchomyk, S. Lülf, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, K. Koszinowski and L. Ackermann, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 5135 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT00705A

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