Issue 6, 2019

Converting eggplant biomass into multifunctional porous carbon electrodes for self-powered capacitive deionization


Eggplant biomass was successfully converted into N, O-enriched hierarchical porous carbon materials as multifunctional electrodes for Zn–air battery-driven capacitive deionization via carbonization with potassium bicarbonate activation under a nitrogen atmosphere. The as-prepared N, O-enriched hierarchical porous carbon (NPC) electrode has a high N doping content (2.67 at%), oxygen-enriched chemical structure (surface oxygen content: 21.34 at%), hierarchical pore distribution (interconnected micro–meso–macropore system), high pore volume (0.72 cm3 g−1), and large specific surface area (1226 m2 g−1) as well as superior electroconductibility, which is advantageous for valid electrolyte approachability and rapid ion transmission to enhance the electrosorption capacity of carbon electrodes. These characteristics provided great salt adsorption capacity (SAC, 31.9 mg g−1) and excellent charge efficiency (CF, 60.3%) for capacitive deionization. Meanwhile, the NPC displays bifunctional electrocatalytic activities for the oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction, capable of constructing a rechargeable Zn–air battery with an open circuit voltage of 1.32 V. As a prototype integrated system, an NPC-800 constructed Zn–air battery was employed to power an NPC-800 symmetrical CDI device (denoted as a self-powered CDI system), showing comparable SAC and CF in the DC power driving mode. Furthermore, the self-powered CDI system also shows high removal efficiency for harmful heavy metal ions from water (99.1% for Pb2+ and 97.9% for Cd2+).

Graphical abstract: Converting eggplant biomass into multifunctional porous carbon electrodes for self-powered capacitive deionization

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Article information

Article type
21 Mar 2019
26 Apr 2019
First published
26 Apr 2019

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2019,5, 1054-1063

Converting eggplant biomass into multifunctional porous carbon electrodes for self-powered capacitive deionization

C. Zhao, S. Zhang, N. Sun, H. Zhou, G. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang and H. Zhao, Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2019, 5, 1054 DOI: 10.1039/C9EW00239A

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