Issue 15, 2019

Visible-light-promoted oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrazobenzenes and transfer hydrogenation of azobenzenes


Azo compounds are widely used in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Here, we report the use of a non-metal photo-redox catalyst, Eosin Y, to synthesize azo compounds from hydrazine derivatives. The use of visible-light with air as the oxidant makes this process sustainable and practical. Moreover, the visible-light-driven, photo-redox-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation of azobenzenes is compatible with a series of hydrogen donors such as phenyl hydrazine and cyclic amines. Compared with traditional (thermal/transition-metal) methods, our process avoids the issue of over-reduction to aniline, which extends the applicability of photo-redox catalysis and confirms it as a useful tool for synthetic organic chemistry.

Graphical abstract: Visible-light-promoted oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrazobenzenes and transfer hydrogenation of azobenzenes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 May 2019
05 Jul 2019
First published
05 Jul 2019

Green Chem., 2019,21, 4189-4193

Visible-light-promoted oxidative dehydrogenation of hydrazobenzenes and transfer hydrogenation of azobenzenes

X. Wang, X. Wang, C. Xia and L. Wu, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 4189 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC01618J

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